Biochemical Society Boosts Member Experience and Streamlines Processes with sheepCRM

Biochemical Society

The Biochemical Society, a leading membership organisation dedicated to advancing molecular bioscience, faced significant challenges with its customer relationship management (CRM) system. The overly complex and heavily customised system led to inaccurate data, payment processing issues, and a clunky sign-up process for new members.

Lorraine Reese, Associate Director of Events and Marketing at the Biochemical Society, knew that a change was necessary to improve member experiences and streamline internal processes. After evaluating several options, the Society implemented sheepCRM, a modern membership CRM solution.

The transition to sheepCRM allowed the Biochemical Society to simplify its operations and improve data reliability. Lorraine and her team worked closely with sheepCRM's in-house customer success team, particularly Joe, who provided expert guidance on adapting their processes to deliver more value to their members.

Since implementing sheepCRM, the Biochemical Society has experienced a significant boost in its member onboarding process, which no longer requires manual input. This streamlined approach has made it easier for new members to join and saved valuable time for the membership and finance teams. Additionally, sheepCRM's automation capabilities have transformed the Society's communication approach, enabling them to send more frequent and targeted emails to their members.

The Biochemical Society sees the move to sheepCRM as the beginning of its journey towards complete digital transformation. With a more reliable and user-friendly CRM system in place, it is confident that it can continue to grow and provide excellent service to its members.

"Since switching to sheepCRM, we've seen significant improvements. Payments are now processed smoothly, without any errors or unexpected charges. The registration process is much more user-friendly, and our staff can easily track payments. sheepCRM has provided us with the functionality we need while being simpler to use and more reliable than our previous system."
Lorraine Reese, Associate Director

Read the case study to learn how sheepCRM helped the Biochemical Society overcome its CRM challenges and improve member experiences.